What Is Migraine? Migraine Pathophysiology [Video]
Discover some of the top videos from around the web which describe and animate the mechanics and pathophysiology of a migraine based on recent research and current understanding.
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Posted by Carl Cincinnato | Jan 11, 2017 | 23
Discover some of the top videos from around the web which describe and animate the mechanics and pathophysiology of a migraine based on recent research and current understanding.
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Nov 9, 2016 | 27
Recent findings between the gut microbiota and the brain suggest that our microbiota can deeply influence our health, brain and potentially even our behaviour. This article reviews evidence for those gut conditions associated with migraine and what you can do about it. Is your microbiota playing a role in your migraine condition?
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Nov 1, 2016 | 9
What happens in our gut may have a profound impact on what happens in our brain. Researchers are edging closer to understanding how gut microbiota could potentially influence conditions like depression, autism, epilepsy and migraine. Animal studies have shown profound impacts on the way the microbiome can affect health and a range of conditions including autism, obesity and MS. Do these findings translate across into humans and what are the implications for us?
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Oct 5, 2016 | 29
Many of us have been taking migraine treatments for years and even decades that have been prescribed by our doctors. But how much do you know about your treatments and the guideline recommendations for migraine?
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Sep 29, 2016 | 29
Researchers found that patients experienced less anxiety and anger after listening to pleasant music and that listening to positive music induced corresponding emotional states in the participants. This isn’t suggesting music will cure a migraine but findings revealed that pleasant music reduced pain. Come again…. Pleasant music reduces pain? Find out what type of music in this article.
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Sep 15, 2016 | 18
Funding for migraine and headache disorders is so poorly misaligned to the scale of disability and economic cost that we can no longer ignore it. The lack of migraine and headache funding has stalled the development of better treatments, support and solutions for decades. The consequences have rippled across our hospitals, homes and to our quality of life.
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Sep 5, 2016 | 3
Today is a golden age in clinical trials for migraine treatments. CGRP, genetics, devices, behavioral interventions and many more approaches are being clinically trialled to collect scientific evidence to support innovative new and effective treatments. Trials may be a way access new clinical care, treatments and supplementary income.
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Aug 18, 2016 | 76
The results are just in from an anonymous survey from 380 migraine patients who had the daith piercing. For the nerds amongst us I’ve included charts and data below. If you just want the quick and dirty answer about whether daith piercing will actually help your migraine condition here are the topline results…
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Aug 9, 2016 | 48
How can others possibly understand what it’s like to have migraines? It starts with empathy and the facts. This is an open letter for with those who don’t have migraine. Share this letter with those you care about. The more awareness and understanding others have the more we can reduce the unnecessary stigma and discrimination of those with migraine.
Read MorePosted by Carl Cincinnato | Jul 14, 2016 | 114
For over a century migraine has been blamed on the patient and yet despite the advancement of information and technology, dangerous and shocking migraine myths are still widespread. The more these myths can be dispelled, the quicker we can progress to finding better treatment and reducing the stigma of this disabling condition.
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